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Important Information

Do not feed or water the animal
The wrong food can cause serious problems, and giving the bird water can cause aspiration. Ensure you get the animal to a vet or Native Animal Rescue right away to ensure it’s safety. Please do not feed or give any water to Wildlife that you have found.
Stress can kill
Stress is a killer. Handle the animal as little as possible and get it into a suitable container as quickly and quietly as possible. Depending on the animal, you can use a cardboard box, a pillowcase or hessian sack tied off, or a covered laundry basket for transport.
Be aware of the weather
In cold weather, fill an empty drink bottle with warm water, wrap it in a towel and place the bottle with the animal to provide warmth. In hot weather, use an air-conditioned car for transport. Ensure the container has ventilation.
Do not carry the animal on your lap in the car
This is dangerous for you and the animal, not to mention stressful! Remeber stress can kill.
Always wash your hands!
Some animals, particularly sick ones, carry diseases that are transferable to humans. Hand sanitiser or warm soapy water will kill 99% of germs. You should also change into a clean set of clothes after handling native animals, as diseases may also pass onto your own pets. Any towels or travel containers need to be cleaned as soon as possible. All fabric will wash clean and free of diseases in a regular washing cycle. Cardboard boxes should be thrown away after use. If you rescue animals regularly, make sure to disinfect reusable containers between rescues, or use different boxes.

Your safety and welfare is paramount

Always make sure it is safe before attempting to rescue a native animal. Look out for sharp claws, beaks, and teeth – wild animals will often seek to defend themselves. We recommend wearing gloves and eye protection (sunglasses). Always try to work with another person when rescuing native animals.


Make sure the animal you are helping actually needs help

Young birds often appear to be orphaned, but may just be waiting for a parent to return from foraging. For more information about baby birds, we recommend you read the advice on our Baby bird page.

If you find a lizard, like a bobtail in your backyard and it is not in any immediate danger, we recommend you leave it alone. Bobtails are territorial and mate for life, and moving them away from their environment unnecessarily has consequences.

If you find ducks crossing the road, it is always safest to stand away from the road and observe them as they cross. The only people with the authority to obstruct or manage traffic are the Police and Main Roads, you should never put yourself in danger by walking into traffic to help an injured animal. Again, your safety and welfare are paramount.

Your safety and welfare is paramount

Always make sure it is safe before attempting to rescue a native animal. Look out for sharp claws, beaks, and teeth – wild animals will often seek to defend themselves. We recommend wearing gloves and eye protection (sunglasses). Always try to work with another person when rescuing native animals.

Make sure the animal you are helping actually needs help

Young birds often appear to be orphaned, but may just be waiting for a parent to return from foraging. For more information about baby birds, we recommend you read the advice on our Baby bird page.

If you find a lizard, like a bobtail (otherwise known as shingleback or blue-tongue) in your backyard and it is not in any immediate danger, we recommend you leave it alone. Bobtails are territorial and mate for life, and moving them away from their environment unnecessarily has unknown consequences.

If you find ducks crossing the road, it is always safest to stand away from the road and observe them as they cross. The only people with the authority to obstruct or manage traffic are the police, and you should never put yourself in danger by walking into traffic to help an injured animal. Again, your safety and welfare are paramount.